上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 However, Koran couldn’t enjoy the beauty of the canyon at this time. The girl’s face was obviously anxious and frightened, her eyes were red and her eyes were stained with tears.

However, Koran couldn’t enjoy the beauty of the canyon at this time. The girl’s face was obviously anxious and frightened, her eyes were red and her eyes were stained with tears.

"Are you … Natasha?" Kelan hesitated a greeting in Chinese.
Ke Lan can’t speak Russian, but Ark has the largest number of languages, and Chinese has become the official default language.
"Yes, yes … you … you are Kelan?" The girl speaks Chinese in a stuttering way, but at least it won’t affect communication.
"Well, I am" Kelan nodded his head.
"I’m … Ivan … Ivan’s girlfriend … please … help us!" The girl said with a hint of tears
"Ivan, what happened to him?"
"He … he seems to be infected by something … but … but he won’t let me go to another doctor or touch him … he … he asked me to come to you … if you can help us … please be sure …"
The girl moved a scene while crying, and saw Ivan lying dying in an operating chair just after parting. His bare skin turned crimson like a boiled crab, and his chest fluctuated greatly. Every fluctuation was accompanied by a slight twitch of his limbs. Obviously, breathing had become a very difficult task for him.
"Don’t panic, don’t touch Ivan’s body calmly, and then show me the wound on his arm." Ke Lan said that Ivan’s injured arm was covered with a bloody surgical towel, but it obviously didn’t look like a human arm from the shape highlighted by the cloth.
"Good … good …" Natasha walked over trembling and picked up the surgical towel with a long metal forceps.
"Ah …" Kelan couldn’t help but shout a light.
Ivan’s whole arm has been completely alienated. Several thick and fleshy tentacles are intertwined like vines, and the protoskeleton and muscle tissue can’t be seen. They are crawling like snakes and dripping with sticky secretions.
"I’ll come right away-remember never to meet him!" Koran said quickly, and then hit the communication window and sent a short message to the hound.
"Ivan has an accident!"
Chapter 45 Alienated infection
Ivan clinic is located in the north fourth district, which is not particularly far from Kelan’s home. In less than twenty minutes, Kelan and Asano Zhao have arrived at the clinic door.
Hound and Leighton are a little farther away, but they rented a car directly, which is a step faster than Curran.
When the two men saw Asano Zhao behind Koran, the original anxious face finally showed a surprise.
"Asano zhao? When will you come back? " Leighton rubbed his hands excitedly. He finally mended the broken mechanical arm, but judging from the degree of wear and tear, it should be a second-hand goods for transition.
"Just" Asano Zhao answered exactly the same as before.
"Zorig figure? Is he still alive? "
"He doesn’t want to install a prosthetic limb in the public medical clinic in the East Ninth District, and he has to wait in line for a month for limb reconstruction," Asano said.
"Well, it’s good that you two are still alive. Let’s go and see the doctor. How is he?" The hound sighed and pushed the clinic door first.
Ivan’s girlfriend Natasha is sitting in the clinic hall waiting for them. She is dressed in a suit. When Ivan went out to explore the ruins, the protective size was several sizes larger than her figure. She had to tape the sleeves and trousers tightly so as not to affect the normal operation.
"I hid Ivan in the basement as you said." Natasha got up quickly when she saw Koran and others coming in-the place where she sat was the entrance to the basement.
"You haven’t touched Ivan, have you?" Kelan asked
Natasha shook her head.
"That’s good." Kelan glanced at Natasha’s bucket-like closed helmet with an oxygen tank behind it.
"The infection should not be broadcast by air, otherwise we would have been caught."
"Koran you didn’t appear anything unusual? I remember you helped Ivan before, "added the hound."
"I should be fine. At that time, Ivan had just been infected and had not spread to his body, and I didn’t directly touch his wound." Kelan said and took out the prepared rubber gloves from his pocket and distributed them to all.

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导语:在繁忙的都市生活中,人们越来越注重健康养生,而桑拿作为一种独特的养生方式,受到了越来越多人的喜爱。在上海,桑拿馆众多,但性价比之王的称号却非一家莫属。本文将为您揭秘这家备受好评的桑拿馆,让您体验性价比之王的魅力。 一、桑拿馆简介 这家位于上海市中心的桑拿馆,以其优质的服务、舒适的环境和亲民的价格,成为了众多桑拿爱好者心中的性价比之王。馆内设有多个桑拿房,包括干蒸、湿蒸、玉石床等多种桑拿方式,满足不同消费者的需求。 二、性价比之王的魅力 1.亲民的价格 与其他高端桑拿馆相比,这家性价比之王的桑拿馆在价格上更具优势。无论是单次消费还是会员卡,价格都十分亲民,让消费者在享受高品质桑拿的同时,无需为高昂的费用而担忧。 2.优质的服务 桑拿馆内的工作人员热情周到,服务态度极佳。从进门那一刻起,就会感受到家的温馨。桑拿师的专业技术,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,还能得到健康指导。 3.舒适的氛围 馆内装修风格简约大气,环境优雅舒适。桑拿房宽敞明亮,配备先进的桑拿设备,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到尊贵与品质。 4.多元化的桑拿体验 这家性价比之王的桑拿馆提供了多种桑拿方式,满足不同消费者的需求。干蒸、湿蒸、玉石床等桑拿方式,让您在桑拿过程中,既能排除体内毒素,又能舒缓身心。 5.良好的口碑 这家桑拿馆凭借其优质的服务、舒适的氛围和亲民的价格,赢得了众多消费者的好评。在各大网站和论坛上,都可以看到消费者对这家桑拿馆的赞美之词。 三、如何成为性价比之王 1.注重品质 在保证价格亲民的同时,这家桑拿馆始终将品质放在首位。从装修、设备到服务,都力求做到尽善尽美,为消费者提供高品质的桑拿体验。 2.关注消费者需求 桑拿馆在经营过程中,始终关注消费者的需求,不断推出新的桑拿项目,以满足不同消费者的需求。 3.口碑传播 良好的口碑是性价比之王的重要保证。这家桑拿馆通过优质的服务和舒适的环境,赢得了消费者的好评,口碑传播使其成为了性价比之王。 总结:在这家性价比之王的桑拿馆,消费者可以以亲民的价格享受到高品质的桑拿服务。在这里,您不仅能舒缓身心,还能感受到家的温馨。如果您正在寻找一家性价比高的桑拿馆,不妨来这家性价比之王体验一下吧!